PGT Winguard Vinyl: Engineered to Meet Hurricanes Head On

August 1992. Miami, Florida. Hurricane Andrew. Category Five.

This catastrophic storm taught researchers that violent winds alone are not the major cause of window failure and the devastation that follows. More significant is the impact of flying objects. This discovery changed hurricane codes forever. Codes now focus on impact protection for windows and doors in addition to the ability to withstand high wind velocities. PGT® was the first to offer a complete line of residential impact-resistant windows and doors ten years ago and helped develop the testing protocols still used today.

Our exclusive vinyl windows and doors combine heavy-duty frames with impact-resistant laminated glass to ensure nothing unwarranted invades your home in the event of a major storm. A special silicone glazing process is used to keep the glass from breaking from its frame. Although wind-borne debris may crack the glass on impact, the interlayer keeps the overall window intact, preventing destructive winds from entering your home.

PGT’s complete line of Winguard® with vinyl frames products meet or exceed International Building Code standards for air/water/structural and small and large impact protection. They are all tested to AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S. 2/NASF specifications and ASTM E1886/E1996 large missile protocols. The single hung and picture window have Miami-Dade NOAs and pass TAS 201, 202 and 203 for air, water, structural, and both small and large missile protection.

What does all this mean to you and your home? WinGuard can withstand blow after blow by a nine-pound, 2 x 4 beam traveling at 34 miles per hour, followed by hurricane-force winds and the glass will still remain in its frame.