What are the benefits of energy-efficient windows?
As of June 30, 2015, the Florida Energy Code has been updated and now requires that all replacement windows meet or exceed current energy efficiency guidelines. While that might seem like a hassle now, it will surely save you money in the long run.
Lower Energy Costs: Installing energy efficient windows can help to lower the costs associated with heating and cooling your home. These windows will also help to reduce the amount of energy your home uses, reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and shrinking your carbon footprint.
Easily maintain comfortable temperatures: Energy efficient windows help to keep the temperatures in your home consistent. After installing, you’ll no longer notice drafty or extremely hot spots in your home.
Protect your valuables: The low emission coating on energy efficient windows, doors, and skylights helps to reduce or lessen the amount of UV sun damage to floors, carpets, and furniture.
Reduce your carbon footprint: Your personal carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide emissions you create as a result of your daily activities, including transportation, the manufacture and distribution of products you purchase, and using electricity in your home. Installing energy efficient windows, like Energy Star, can reduce your carbon footprint by more than 25%.